Friday, April 27, 2007

Something so simple....

as going grocery shopping in this city is apparently extremely difficult. I stocked up on a lot of non-perishable food items and shipped them over with my furniture. I have been living on those items for the past 2 weeks due to not being able to get to the grocery store to get the perishable items....eggs, milk, cheese, meat, etc. I have managed to get by with making quick stops and a corner market for immediate essentials, but have not been able to make it to a big grocery store to stock up.

Anyway, I decided tonight was going to be the night. I wanted to get it over with and not have to worry about it this weekend. I remember seeing a large grocery store last weekend and it had a parking garage attached to searching for parking. So I drive back to where I remember it being. I saw a huge "P" and another parking sign with an arrow pointing to go down, under street level basically. So, off I go. When I got to the bottom the door was I thought, "Oh no, this must not be right". Then the door magically I thought there must have been a sensor. Anyway, I drive straight and turn right. The door automatically closed behind me. I quickly noticed I was in a VERY deserted parking garage....there was NO ONE. A couple of cars and what appeared to be service doors leading to different stores. This place was dirty, deserted, and the scariest place I have ever been. I parked my car (because I had no where else to go) and started knocking (banging really) on doors in hope someone would hear me and tell me how to get out of this place. No one answered. I started to panic. My heart started racing and I was breaking out into a sweat.

I finally found a door which opened and led into a stairwell and there were also elevators. I was not sure if I should go through the door because I thought it may lock behind me (just my luck). I decided I had no other choice but to take the stairs and see where it led me. I walked up (really ran up) a couple flights of stairs and finally found a very sweet girl. I told her my situation and she was unsure at first how to get out. Her boyfriend was meeting her and he worked in the building and hoped he had a card to get the door opened. As luck would have it, he had his card, she opened the door and I sped away! AHHHH, seriously how hard is it get get some groceries around here?????

The best part about the situation....this all was happening around 8PM....and the grocery store CLOSED at 8PM....I STILL DO NOT HAVE ANY GROCERIES!!!!!!!

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