I had so much fun over the weekend pulling out all of my Christmas decorations that I had not looked at in over 2 years since moving to Europe. I did not do much decorating in Brussels because I came home for Christmas so I didn't even bring most of my decorations with me so they were in storage in Memphis. I have always loved decorating for Christmas and when I bought my first house I went crazy buying decorations, lights, a huge tree (that spins!!)! It was truly beautiful!
Throughout all of my European and world travels, I made it a priority to buy an ornament from every place that I visited, almost to the point of irritating my travel buddies! Ha! I managed to pick up an ornament from most places and I am so glad I did! I knew I loved them when I bought them, but now, they are true treasures. As I was unpacking them on Friday, I began to tear up as the memories flooded back of that particular trip. It's moments like this that I realize the past two years were real and not just a dream!
I wanted to share a little sampling of my treasures (yes, there are more!).
Belgium at its finest....chocolate, beer, and fries (yes, fries came from Belgium, not France)
Brussels, Belgium
Vienna, Austria
Paris, France
London, England
The Netherlands
Mediterranean Cruise
Dubrovnik, Croatia
Ephesus, Turkey (also known as Kusadasi)
Santorini, Greece
Prague, Czech Republic

Christmas Markets in Frankfurt, Germany - I picked up a few other items besides an ornament at the market, like this little house. I want to add it to my Christmas village...you know, as soon as I start one!

These little ornaments are hand painted with such incredible detail. The back is the exact same as the front. Gorgeous!

Capri, Italy
Positano, Italy
Waterford, Ireland
Disneyland Paris, France
Budapest, Hungary
Brugge, Belgium
Copenhagen, Denmark
Sweden - Sometimes I just had to improvise when I could not find an ornament!
Edinburgh, Scotland
Berlin, Germany - This was a piece of the Berlin Wall. It was originally suppose to be a necklace, but I made it an ornament.

Original German nutcrackers! I love them!

Christmas Markets in Cologne, Germany

With all of these travel ornaments, I needed another tree! I decided I would like a travel tree in my kitchen, so, well, I put one up and I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!

Christmas Markets in the Netherlands (in a cave) - Pam and I went to a Christmas market in a cave last year and had so much fun. We bought so many goodies! I need to take more pics once I get everything placed! I plan to frame this little Santa and hang it during the holidays. Maybe next year!

This is a beautiful tablecloth. I will take another pic once it is on a table!

I finally have my main tree up and decorated along with the outside of my house and the mantle. I will post pics soon!
How is your decorating going?