I was in Frankfurt, Germany this past weekend for the first stop on my 2007 Tour of Christmas Markets!! I went with my friend Julie and also a friend of hers from Los Angeles who is currently in Europe for work. Can you tell we were a little chilly!!??
We took the 7AM train from Brussels for a 3 1/2 hour ride to Frankfurt. I must tell you how much I LOVE train travel in Europe! It is so convenient and easy to get anywhere without the hassle of security and delays that you experience in airports!
Anyway, we arrived at 10:30AM and the fun began. We picked a perfect hotel literally 100 yards from the Christmas market.
I have always heard about the German Christmas markets but really did not know what to expect. I found the Frankfurt market to be very festive with tons of vendors selling lots of food, ornaments, toys, etc. In my opinion, you go to a Christmas market for the festiveness of season, a little shopping, indulge in some hot wine, hot chocolate, carolers singing your favorite Christmas carols (in German, in course), and just to get in the spirit of the season. The Frankfurt market was all of that and more.
The vendors had very festive stalls where they sold all their goods. Check them out!

Since we arrived early in the day we were able to do most of our shopping before the major crowds hit. We were also very blessed with the weather as it was sunny and clear blue skies, although a little chilly! After dark, the crowds really came out!
I am not sure why we thought this trash can was so funny....maybe it was because of the hot wine!

We also found the HUGE chocolate covered pretzels hilarious!
There was so much food you could literally stuff yourself walking from stall to stall. It reminded me a bit of the Mid-South fair with all the yummy treats to choose from.
Everyone was in the spirit of Christmas. There were carolers, Santa's posse, and some awesome hats...
And there were ornaments galore.....
Frankfurt definitely lived up to my expectations of a great Christmas market! I am now definitely looking forward to Cologne next weekend!
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