Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Birthday Bash!

Honestly, I keep forgetting my birthday is this Saturday, October 25th! This is a first for me (I really love birthdays!)! Maybe it is because there has been so much going on the past couple of weeks that it keeps slipping my mind, maybe it is what you do when you start getting older, or maybe I am just excited about my cruise coming up (I leave on Satuday)! It is probably just a combination of all of the above!!

But, my colleagues did not forget and surprised JR and me with a little Birthday Bash this week at the office! JR and I have birthday falling only 5 days apart, so we celebrated together!
I am not sure how they managed to get 34 candles on my cake...but they did!
Blowing them out was a bit of a challenge...too many candles! I am getting old!!
Thanks Laurence, Baptiste, and JR for making this week so special!


  1. Thank you for your comments and prayers. Happy Birthday!

  2. Happy Birthday, Girlie!!! I think a cruise would definitely distract me from about anything... :) So excited for you and can't wait to hear about all the fun!

  3. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Happy Birthday! Enjoy the cruise!
    Looking forward to seeing the photos and reading about it all.
