Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Dream Vacation

If you are an avid reader of this blog, you know how much I realize just how blessed I am to have this incredible opportunity of living in Europe. I have traveled far and wide to places I never thought I would ever step foot in! This has really been an amazing ride.

However, my time of living in Europe is coming to an end...only 3 months left!

I am curious so I have a few questions for you...

What trips have you enjoyed most that I have written about?
If money and time were not an issue, where would you travel to?
Describe your dream vacation?
Where have you been that was just amazing? Tell me about it!

I look forward to hearing what all you have to share!


  1. I liked your Prague trip and will go there next time we get stationed in Europe. Why? The crystal! I am nothing if not shallow!

  2. I think the whole concept of you living in Europe and traveling as much as you have is all my favorite. LOL. I guess I am saying I thought about it, but nope, couldn't pick just ONE out. I would take any one of them as a "dream" trip!

  3. Well, I haven't really been anywhere, but would LOVE to travel through Europe. I am mostly dying to see London and Paris. But I'd settle for Greece or pretty much anywhere else. :)
