What a life changing, busy, complicated, scary, emotional, crazy, expensive year 2009 has been. As I sit and think about what all I have been through, done, experienced, etc. I begin to realize why I am so tired!
This year started off by making decisions, picking out the stuff, planning for, and building this:
We lost a member of our family, Max. We miss you everyday, sweet boy!
As I went back and browsed through old posts from this year, I would say about 99.9% of my time over 2009 was spent focusing on the move back to the good ole US of A.
I left this.....
And repatriated back to this...
God Bless America!
It sounds so simple....I moved. People do it all the time. It is not an unheard of thing, you know. Moving from another country, building a house, starting a new type of job, spending more money that I have ever spent at one time in my life times 3....I think that was a full year. I survived and that is saying something.
My travels sort of halted (for obvious reasons), but I did manage to get one last (and very awesome) adventure in a couple of weeks before the big move....South Africa and.....
That was such an incredible experience!!! I still cannot believe I saw the pyramids! Wow!
I arrived home, moved in, unpacked, and did some of this...
Should have done that more often!
To wrap up this transition year....a friend of mine said it best: I am thankful for God's continued love and faithfulness in 2009 and excited about His purpose and assignment for 2010. It is a new year, peeps! Do it big and do it with God! Happy New Year! Be blessed!
It was one heck of a year and we made it! I am so looking forward to 2010 and the new chapters opening up for me. I am not going to take this year sitting down....
I hope you will come along for the ride!